Innovyze Releases InfoWorks WS Generation V15.5, Delivering Powerful and Comprehensive Smart Water Network Modeling

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Innovyze Releases InfoWorks WS Generation V15.5, Delivering Powerful and Comprehensive Smart Water Network Modeling
New Version Features Turbidity Analysis, Multiple Usability Enhancements and Extended Optimization Capabilities
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, May 5, 2015 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the release of InfoWorks WS V15.5, enhanced with new benefits and valuable modeling capabilities that make it easier for users to arrive at fast, accurate solutions and enhance their productivity.

Whether configured as a component of a corporate modeling solution or a stand-alone desktop application,InfoWorks WS combines a fast relational database, powerful hydraulic computational engine and comprehensive spatial analysis tools to create a single, flexible smart water network modeling application that excels in both steady-state and extended period dynamic simulations.

InfoWorks WS uses an enhanced version of the WesNet engine, renowned for its speed with large networks and ability to cope with complex networks. A full range of simulation capabilities is standard, including dynamic water quality and sediment modeling, fire flow assessment, pipe criticality analysis, demand area and leakage analysis, energy use and cost calculations, and auto-calibration of networks. User Programmable Control (UPC) allows modelers to optimize water network operating regimes by changing state of control elements based on the status of sensors.

The latest version includes the capability to perform comprehensive turbidity analysis as part of a water quality simulation, a powerful tool for predicting discoloration events. The results from the analysis can be used to design effective flushing strategies aimed at improving water quality in the network and reducing customer complaints.

InfoWorks WS V15.5 also adds a new multiple variable speed pump option that will cause the pump station to regulate all identical and available variable speed pumps in concert by varying their speed together to achieve a target. Options have also been added to the Esri ArcMap format export, and several new keyboard shortcuts increase the usability of the solution.

BalanceNet for InfoWorks WS V15.5 additional enhancements include the use of Price of Water data when performing optimization runs, a new, more flexible flow volume constraints grid, the ability to optimize variable speed pumps, and support for maximum power demand rates.

For a complete listing of InfoWorks WS V15.5 features and capabilities, visit the “What’s New” section in online help.

“As a trusted partner, Innovyze plays an important role in helping our customers create ever more accurate and reliable water distribution network models to help them optimize their CAPEX and OPEX and enhance quality of service,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “The new version of InfoWorks WS introduces a significant range of user-requested capabilities designed to extend their engineering simulation possibilities, enabling them to more effectively meet their business goals.”

Pricing and AvailabilityInfoWorks WS V15.5 is now available worldwide by subscription. Subscription members can immediately download the new version free of charge directly from The Innovyze Subscription Program is a friendly customer support and software maintenance program that ensures the longevity and usefulness of Innovyze products. It gives subscribers instant access to new functionality as it is developed, along with automatic software updates and upgrades. For the latest information on the Innovyze Subscription Program, visit www.innovyze.comor contact your local Innovyze Channel Partner.
About Innovyze
Innovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water and wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasia and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. With unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate and sustain highly efficient and reliable infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit
Innovyze Contact
Rajan Ray
Director of Marketing and Client Service Manager


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    Là phụ nữa bao giờ cũng muốn mình trong thật đẹp trong mắt người khác. Những thực phẩm chữa bệnh mất ngủ.Nhưng nếu cuộc sông mà lúc nào củng lo sợ tăng cân,Chăm sóc tóc bằng phương pháp tự nhiên. không được thưởng thức những món ngon, thì còn gì là cuộc sống.Bệnh thoái hóa khớp nên ăn gì ?. Nhất là đối với chị em phụ nữ làm việc văn phòng, một ngày ngồi tám giờ ở văn phòng, không có chế độ ăn hợp lý cũng như tập thể dục thường xuyên thì rất dể sẩy ra tình trạng tăng cân, nhất là đối với vòng hai.cách trị nám da từ thiên nhiên. bạn có thể tham khảo thêm nhiều cách làm đẹp tại Cách trị sẹo lõm bằng phương pháp tự nhiên. HOT HOT HOT ===> Cách làm trắng da tự nhiên cấp tốc. Mẹo chữa mất ngủ cho bà bầu.


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