Charting Your Smart Water Strategy by Innovyze

InfoMaster Webinar
Smart Water technology continues to evolve at an astounding pace with new solutions entering the market promising huge energy savings, accounting for every drop of water, predicting pipeline failures, and more.  The promise and hype of smarter water systems have intrigued many utilities, but adoption isn’t widespread. Costs and benefits—the limiting factors—many times can’t be easily justified. 
What has always worked in the industry is incremental change; take a complex problem with multiple moving parts and slowly solve it one part at a time starting with the low-hanging fruit. This approach means the industry needs practical, intermediate and cost-effective solutions to work before operators and managers are ready to use or believe in automated smart water sensing technology.
This four part webcast series, titled “Charting Your Smart Water Strategy”, outlines just such an approach.  Each live webcasts will outline an intermediate and actionable step to building your own smart water system.
Charting your Smart Water Strategy” Webcasts include:
Smart Water Step 1: Build Your Operational Hydraulic Model12/11/2014
Turning SCADA (and other Real-time Data) into Actionable Information Across Your Utility01/07/2015
Using Real-Time Models to Effectively Respond to Emergencies01/29/2015
Real-time Energy Optimization for Maximum Savings02/25/2015
To attend this event please use the registration form below.




Who should attend?

  • Public Works Directors
  • Planning Managers
  • Engineering Directors
  • Operations Managers
  • GIS/IT Managers


Date and Time

The Webinar Series will run from 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EST) starting Thursday, December 11st, 2014. And ends on February 25th, 2015.
For full list of available Webcasts, please check the registration information below.



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