
Showing posts from November, 2014

A rise in Pipe Inverts Across a SWMM 5 Node, What Node and Link Invert Elevations Does SWMM 5 Use?

A rise in Pipe Inverts Across a SWMM 5 Node Subject:   This is how SWMM 5 handles  jumps in pipe invert across a node.   The water surface in the node determines the flow in the link, as the depth increases due to upstream inflow eventually the downstream link will start flowing. What Node and Link Invert Elevations Does SWMM 5 Use? Note:    What Node and  Link Invert Elevations Does SWMM 5 Use? SWMM 5 uses the following Node information from the user: ·         Node Invert Elevation, ·         The Node Rim Elevation which is the Node Invert Elevation + the Maximum node depth ·         The Ponded Area when the Ponded  Area option is used ·         The Surcharge Depth above the Node Rim Elevation SWMM 5 uses the following link information from the user: ·  ...

@RDICKINSON TWITTER Collection for November 30, 2014

“Charting your Smart Water Strategy” Webcasts by @Innovyze @H2OandEnergy @AriOpdahl — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 26, 2014 Baseline replacement costs for pipes from @AriOpdahl our PSL for InfoMaster at @Innovyze — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 29, 2014 The Beauty of Pop Ups in @adobe -robohelp in a CHM file using @Snagit Screen Captures for @Innovyze H2OMap Sewer — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 29, 2014 Import(1), Define (2), Graph (3) and save a Custom Graph (4) for HEC-RAS sections in InfoSWMM w/ Innovyze — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 29, 2014 1/ SWMM5 import into @Innovyze ICM is very good for ICM 5.5, a one step import of the nodes, links and Subcatchments — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 27, 2014 Five ways to make a HGL or Hydraulic Grade Line Graph in I...

Charting Your Smart Water Strategy by Innovyze

Smart Water technology continues to evolve at an astounding pace with new solutions entering the market promising huge energy savings, accounting for every drop of water, predicting pipeline failures, and more.  The promise and hype of smarter water systems have intrigued many utilities, but adoption isn’t widespread. Costs and benefits—the limiting factors—many times can’t be easily justified.  What has always worked in the industry is incremental change; take a complex problem with multiple moving parts and slowly solve it one part at a time starting with the low-hanging fruit. This approach means the industry needs practical, intermediate and cost-effective solutions to work before operators and managers are ready to use or believe in automated smart water sensing technology. This four part webcast series, titled “ Charting Your Smart Water Strategy ”, outlines just such an approach.  Each live webcasts will outline an intermediate and actionable step to building your ...

Why Prolonged #Sitting And Standing Is Unproductive


@RDICKINSON for @Innovyze on @Medium or my Modeling Posts on Medium

This is a 2014 blogging experiment - a new set of posts on Medium.  I got the idea from @boonsri  The blogs describe @Innovyze software and SWMM5 Robert E Dickinson

Showing Multiple Link Attributes in InfoSewer

This blog shows how to display multiple link parameters. The 1st method would be to use Arc Map Layer properties and label multiple parameters for each gravity main or force main.  The image below shows and example and here is the code inside of Arc Map to do this Function FindLabel ( [DIAMETER], [Pipe.SHAPE_Length], [COEFF] )   FindLabel = [DIAMETER] & " m / "  & " " & [Pipe.SHAPE_Length]  &  " m / n "   & [COEFF]  End Function Arc Map Label Annotation Or  Function FindLabel ( [DIAMETER], [Pipe.SHAPE_Length], [COEFF] )   FindLabel = " D= " & [DIAMETER] & " m / L="  & " " & [Pipe.SHAPE_Length]  &  " m / n "   & [COEFF]  End Function   Label Properties in Arc Map or Arc GIS The 2nd method is to use Annotation and Map Display in InfoSewer If you want to show both pipe diameter and slope on the map of InfoSewer you will have to workaround the limitation of having only one ...

InfoSWMM 2D Version 13 Brings Significant 1D and 2D Simulation Advancements To Power Users

InfoSWMM 2D Version 13 Brings Significant 1D and 2D Simulation Advancements To Power Users Latest Release Confirms Product as Leading GIS-centric Urban Drainage Modeling and Management Solution Broomfield, Colorado, USA, November 18, 2014 Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide availability of the V13 Generation of its industry-leading  InfoSWMM 2D  for ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA).  InfoSWMM 2D  delivers new ways to quickly and accurately build and analyze very large and comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) models that reliably simulate complex urban stormwater, sanitary sewers, river flooding and pollutant transport. It allows users to accurately predict the extent and duration of urban and rural flooding for comprehensive stormwater management directly within the powerful ArcGIS environment. A fully hydrodynamic geospatial stormwater modeling and management softwa...

Arc Map Backwards Compatibility for InfoSWMM

Arc Map Backwards Compatibility for InfoSWMM: Use windows explorer to, make a zero byte mxd file with the same name as your isdb folder,  click on the blank mxd file and initialize InfoSWMM or InfoWater,  Use the Table of contents to zoom to an InfoSWMM layer,  fix the extents of the map in arc gis by using Data Frame,  save the Arc Map to make a model in your version of Arc Map

Three Key Parameters in InfoSWMM/SWMM5 for Time Steps, Iterations, Tolerance

Three Key Parameters in InfoSWMM/SWMM5 for Time Steps, Iterations, Tolerance — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 16, 2014 Three Key Parameters in InfoSWMM/SWMM5 for Time Steps, Iterations, Tolerance — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 16, 2014 InfoSWMM/SWMM5 Variable Time Step used with the 3 Key Parameters — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 16, 2014

RDICKINSON TWITTER Collection for November 15, 2014

Happy 10th birthday, InfoSWMM! for @Innovyze @boonsri @Greg_Brazeau @InnovyzeTim @RTCmodeling — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 16, 2014 Integrating GIS and Hydraulic Modeling in Moore County (Carthage, NC) w/ @Innovyze InfoWater — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 11, 2014 Noticed in Nova Scotia on Seoul & Providence as examples of effective daylighting: #city — Halifax Bloggers (@halifaxbloggers) November 16, 2014 Huge amounts of rain around Genoa Italy in last week. Resulting in severe flooding. — Dave Throup (@DaveThroupEA) November 15, 2014 1/ @Innovyze InfoSWMM can import H2OMap SWMM, SWMM5, H2OMap Sewer, InfoSewer and export to ICM_SE or ICM ,SWMM5 — Robert E Dickinson (@RDickinson) November 15, 2014 The 10 year anniversary of the release of EPA SWMM 5

The 10 year Anniversary of the release of EPA SWMM 5

A colleague mentioned that this is the 10th year anniversary of EPA SWMM 5. I thought this important or noteworthy anniversary was worthy of a short blog. The release dates for SWMM 5 are from which is in the download section of the EPA SWMM site  ----------------------- Build 5.0.002 (11/1/04) ----------------------- Engine Updates 1. Modifications made to the Picard method used for dynamic wave    flow routing routine. ------------------------ Build 5.0.001 (10/29/04) ------------------------ First official release of SWMM 5. since there were 4 releases during a 4 week period, it might be better to consider the whole month the release date for SWMM 5.0.001 to SWMM 5.0.004 Wikipedia has the whole timeline of SWMM 1/2/3/4/5 More about the ten year anniversary and the 25 year anniversary of EPA SWMM in 1996 here

Innovyze Introduces InfoNet Suite Edition, Enabling Expansion of Asset Performance Management to the Entire Enterprise

Press Room  |  Products  |  News  |  Events  |  The Company   Innovyze Introduces InfoNet Suite Edition, Enabling Expansion of Asset Performance Management to the Entire Enterprise Comprehensive Asset Management Software Suite Lets Municipalities, Public Works, and Water/Wastewater Utilities Optimize their Asset Utilization and Performance, and Extend Asset Life at Maximum Savings Broomfield, Colorado, USA,  November 11, 2014  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today introduced its new  InfoNet Suite  for developing an effective Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) program. Available as a complete product or an upgrade to the industry-leading  InfoNet Desktop  edition, the new Suite extension dramatically expands the asset management possibilities for public works, utilities and municipalities of all sizes and their consultants a...

Legacy SWMM 5 and SWMM 5.1 Installs

I have a somewhat hidden website on Ning with this URL that has legacy SWMM 5 and SWMM 5.1 installs for the interested Here is what the site looks like - the text box or blog feature you will want is on the right at the top Legacy SWMM 5 and SWMM 5.1 Installs

Innovyze Releases InfoWorks ICM SE Version 5.5 to Power Next Generation of InfoWorks CS

Press Room  |  Products  |  News  |  Events  |  The Company   Innovyze Releases InfoWorks ICM SE Version 5.5 to Power Next Generation of InfoWorks CS InfoWorks ICM SE Poised to Dominate Sanitary, Storm and Combined Sewer Modeling and Management for Next Decade and Beyond Broomfield, Colorado, USA,  November 4, 2014  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the release of the V5.5 Generation of InfoWorks ICM SE  ( Sewer Edition ). Since its initial release in February 2014,  InfoWorks ICM SE  has rapidly become the solution of choice for collection systems modeling by wastewater utilities and their consultants around the world.  InfoWorks ICM SE  incorporates all the powerful analysis features and capabilities of  InfoWorks ICM  for comprehensive sewer collection systems modeling, but without 2D simulat...

RDICKINSON TWITTER Collection for November 1, 2014

#ClimateFact : 25% of all US food is grown or produced in #California . #Drought — Climate Reality (@ClimateReality) November 1, 2014 Nuevos enfoques y modelos de trabajo en materia de saneamiento y gestión de aguas residuales — iAgua (@iAgua) November 1, 2014 Urban rain garden soaks up flood water provides pollinating flowers, food for birds. — Edible Eastbourne (@EdibleEastbourn) November 1, 2014 Guerilla Mosaic Artist Now Filling Chicago Potholes with Flowers — Colossal (@Colossal) October 31, 2014 cc @drainspotting MT @LA1H2O : LA stormdrain cover from the 20's Tells how infrastructure benefits jobs & the economy — Brian Jordan (@jordanbrianl) October 31, 2014 Check out how San Jose and @HDR_Inc used #InfoMaster to build a sewer rehab plan...