Peaking flow in InfoSewer Steady State applied as Total Flow in an EPS Simulation

One of the advantages of the three Run options in InfoSewer (Bullet 1 in the image) which are Steady Sate, Design and Extended Period or EPS Modeling is that you can use Peaking Flow Factors for the Steady State Loading Manholes (Bullet 2 in the image).  Unfortunately, you cannot use Peaking Factors for EPS simulations which is often a modeling issue.  However, you can copy the Total Flow for each node in the Steady State Output Report and use this Total Flow as an EPS "other" loading (Bullet 3 in the image).  In an EPS Simulation you can use the Advanced Force Main Modeling option and automatically have flow splits for Force Mains and model more complicated Force Main configurations.  If you just simulate the EPS for one hour then you have a quasi steady state simulation with Total Flow (Unpeakable + Peakable) and the Advanced Force Main Solution.
A list of steps you need to take to use the Peak Flow from a Steady State Run in an EPS Simulation include
1.       Use Peaking Factor in InfoSewer for Steady State
2.      Copy Total Loads at Manholes
3.      Use the Total Loads in an EPS simulation
4.      Run the EPS Simulation for a short period of time
5.      If might help to have two scenarios for this copy and pasting
6.      Use the Advanced FM solution for only the EPS Simulation
Peaking flow in InfoSewer Steady State applied as Total Flow in an EPS Simulation


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