CSV File DWF Suggestion for Importing SWMM5 Flows to ICM

If you are importing a SWMM 5 File into InfoWorks ICM one problem you will have how to deal with difference in dry weather flow generation (DWF):

1. SWMM 5 has DWF enter at a node and ICM has DWF as part of the Subcatchment Loading
2. Thee Import and Export From ICM needs manual adjustment of the DWF
3. One way to do this is to make an ICM CSV file to import the DWF Section of SWMM 5 (Figure 1)
4. Which allows you to manipulate the flow DWF in SWMM 5 to the population based DWF in ICM and IWCS.

Here is one example
hw_subcatchment,  S012-010 ,4.14841
hw_subcatchment,                   S005-005#1,7.8094
hw_subcatchment,                   S005-006#1 ,7.8094
Figure 1. DWF File for ICM (left) and the SWMM5 DWF Section Right


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