Ohio’s Largest Sewer District Selects InfoWorks ICM

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Ohio’s Largest Sewer District Selects InfoWorks ICM
Innovyze Smart Integrated Catchment Modeling Solution to Manage Collection System for Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, November 26, 2013 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced that the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD or District), Ohio, has selected InfoWorks ICM, the industry’s leading integrated catchment modeling solution, to help manage its large and complex sewer collection system. By taking advantage of InfoWorks ICM’s powerful modeling capabilities and predictive analytics, NEORSD will be better positioned to optimize its capital planning, sewer system management and operations, service levels, and CSO regulatory compliance requirements.
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District treats the largest amount of wastewater and stormwater in the state, approximately 230 million gallons per day. It owns and operates three wastewater treatment plants and maintains over 300 miles (480 km) of large interceptor sewers, serving an area that includes the City of Cleveland and 61 suburban municipalities.
“We have used a variety of modeling packages in developing our original Long Term CSO Control Plan.  With the performance compliance requirements of our CSO Consent Decree and anticipated CSO NPDES permitting requirements, the District wanted to take advantage of the benefits of standardizing our CSO models into a common modeling platform,” said Devona Marshall, P.E., Planning Manager for NEORSD.  “After evaluating theInfoWorks ICM platform, we felt it offered us the best package for our model management needs.”
InfoWorks ICM is uniquely suited to this multifaceted task. Its hallmark is its ability to dynamically integrate one-dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic simulation of flows in rivers, open channels and pipe networks and two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic simulation of surface flooding in the urban environment and river floodplain. This integration provides a revolutionary solution for simultaneously modeling below-ground and above-ground elements of catchments to accurately represent all flow paths and improve understanding of processes occurring in the holistic environment. It also takes into account interactions of natural and man-made environments, and effectively simulates the water quality impact of polluting runoff and effluent from urban areas. 
Such advanced capabilities greatly enhance the ability of wastewater organizations to predict flood risks; support cost-effective drainage design and management; develop online urban flooding forecasts; conceive and evaluate sound and reliable urban catchment strategies such as storm sewer separation, active real-time control and provision of adequate additional storage; and improve the operation of any drainage system.
InfoWorks ICM gives wastewater utilities new power to develop sound, cost-effective capital planning, perfect the management and operation of their sewer systems, and enhance customer relationships,” said J. Erick Heath, P.E., Innovyze Vice President and Director of Americas Operations. “As they realize how significantly its advantages add to their bottom lines, more and more utilities are turning to this multifaceted and reliable smart network modeling solution. We are excited that NEORSD has adopted InfoWorks ICM, and look forward to being a vital part of this respected enterprise’s continued success.”


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