Two Methods to Calibrate RDII RTK parameters in H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM

Two Methods to Calibrate RDII RTK parameters in H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM

There are two methods to calibrate the RTK parameters for RDII Analysis in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM.  The two methods are similar but use a different approach to calibrate the data:
1.       The RDII Hydrograph component of the Calibrator Add On also uses a Genetic Algorithm to calibrate the upstream RDII locations based on monitored flow but using the hydraulic network for the calibration.
2.      The RDII Analyst uses a Genetic Algorithm to Calibrate the RTK parameters for one location using monitored rainfall and flow data.  This calibration does not take into account the hydraulic routing in the network. 

Figure 1.  RDII Analyst and GA Calibrator


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