InfoSWMM Suite Modules

InfoSWMM Suite Modules

DWF Allocator or a tool to estimate dry weather flow for a model based on meters or parcels
InfoSWMM SFEM is a tool to estimate flows based on Census Data and Sewershed Basin Information
RDI Analyst is a tool to estimate the RTK parameters for Infiltration Inflow from Rainfall and Monitored Flow Data
Subcatchment Manager is a tool to calculate Subcatchment Information from a DEM or TIN
Calibrator is a tool that uses Genetic Algorithms to Calibrate Model Parameters to Monitored Data
Designer is a tool that designs Pump, Storage Ponds and other Features in your InfoSWMM model based on user constraints
CSS is a Storage Estimation Tool for upstream pipes that you do not want to
PDM  is a tool to design Ponds based on Pre and Post Hydrographs
Netview is a tool to connect the Network to Google Earth
InfoSWMM 2D is a 2D Mesh Module based on IWCS that allows overflow from Nodes to be routed overland to outfalls or other Nodes
InfoSWMM CapPlan is a Sewer or Stormwater Rehabilitation Program for Capital Improvement Planning


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