H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options

Subject:   H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options

H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options

by dickinsonre
Subject:   H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options 
You can model 8 options in H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer to simulate various aspects of Water Quality (Figure 1).  If you make the base scenario no water quality you can have the same network, same loading but different aspects of water quality in seven child scenario's (Figure 2).  The parameters for each water quality option is shown in the Quality Tab of the SimulationOptions Dialog.

Figure 1.  Water Quality Simulation Choices in H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer. 
Figure 2.  Water Quality Simulation Choices in the Scenario Explorer of H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer


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