Steady State Flow Analysis in InfoSWMM using a Ramp DWF - Method 1

Subject:  Steady State Flow Analysis in InfoSWMM using a Ramp DWF

Steady State Flow Analysis in InfoSWMM using a Ramp DWF

by dickinsonre
Subject:  Steady State Flow Analysis in InfoSWMM using a Ramp DWF 
This can be easily created using a few steps in InfoSWMM 
Step 1:  Using Scenario Explorer make a cloned Child Scenario and a cloned DWF Set which will be later modified. 
 Step 2:  Using DB Manager and the BlockEdit tool and increase the mean DWF by a factor of 10, 100 or 1000 to drown out all Wet Wells and cause the pumps to turn on and stay turned on during the simulation in the newly created DWF Set.
 Step 3.  Run the batch manager and create two output files – Normal and Steady State for comparison.

Step 4.  You can now compare the two scenario's using Output Manager and the Compare Graph tool.  The Ramped Model should have constant flows in both links and pumps.  It was not necessary to change any of the patterns.

Step 5.  The model is still  in balance – the excess DWF Inflow ends up as flooded flow and is listed as Internal Outflow.


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