Detention Pond Infiltration and Evaporation Losses

Subject:  Detention Pond Infiltration and Evaporation Losses

You can also add a storage pond infiltration and surface evaporation losses to the pond.  The surface evaporation is added to the infiltration (computed from the green ampt parameters); a storage volume summary listing the average and maximum volume and the percent loss from the combined infiltration and evaporation from the ponds.  The pond infiltration loss during a time step is basd on the areal weighed average depth, the Green Ampt infiltration and the Area of the pond.

infiltration_detetention_pond.inp Download this file

Detention Pond Infiltration and Evaporation Losses in SWMM 5

by dickinsonre
Subject:  Detention Pond Infiltration and Evaporation Losses 
You can also add a storage pond infiltration and surface evaporation losses to the pond.  The surface evaporation is added to theinfiltration (computed from the green ampt parameters); a storage volume summary listing the average and maximum volume and the percent loss from the combined infiltration and evaporation from the ponds.  The pond infiltration loss during a time step is basd on the areal weighed average depth, the Green Ampt infiltration and the Area of the pond.


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