
Showing posts from March, 2014

SWMM 5.1 Update History Or Key Changes

SWMM 5.1 Update History Build 5.1.002 ----------------------- Engine Updates: 1. A bug that prevented hotstart files with the latest format from being read was fixed. 2. Only non-ponded surface area is saved for use in the dynamic wave surcharge algorithm (when water depth is close to the node's crown elevation). GUI Updates: 1. Creation of auxilary forms on startup was moved from the main form's OnActivate event to its OnCreate event, while creation of the map form was moved tothe OnShow event. 2. The routines for saving and reading the main form's position and size in the swmm5 .ini file were modified. 3. A memory leak related to copying cells from the grid editor used in various dialogs was fixed. ----------------------- Build 5.1.001 ----------------------- Engine Updates New Features: ============= 1.  SWMM can now read the new file format for precipitation     data retrieved on...

Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V10.5, Defining New Era of Leadership in GIS-Centric Smart Water Modeling

Press Room  |  Products  |  News  |  Events  |  The Company   Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V10.5, Defining New Era of Leadership in GIS-Centric Smart Water Modeling Latest Release Gives Communities Groundbreaking Network Simulation Power Broomfield, Colorado, USA,  March 25, 2014  —  In its ongoing quest to equip the global water industry with the world’s most powerful and comprehensive GIS-centric infrastructure modeling and management solutions, Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide availability of the V10.5 Generation of  InfoWater  for ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA).  InfoWater  has long been renowned for its legendary power, speed, and comprehensive toolsets and extensions. With this release, Innovyze has further refined the superb water supply and distribution modeling and analysis features...

One Second View of a Pump Event in InfoSWMM / SWMM5

How does a pump turn on with a one second time step? 1. Pump On depth is reached in the Wet Well 2. The pump sees the head across the pump and calculates the flow from the pump curve 3. The head gain decreases after the pump turns on as there is now more flow in the force main and an increased depth and head at the downstream node 4. The pump in a short period has a constant flow as the head gain across the pump stays constant. 5. The pump has small spike at the beginning of the pump event due to the changing of the pump head gain. One Second View of a Pump Event in InfoSWMM / SWMM5

South Carolina Public Service District Selects Innovyze InfoMaster Smart Asset Management Solution

Press Room  |  Products  |  News  |  Events  |  The Company   South Carolina Public Service District Selects Innovyze InfoMaster Smart Asset Management Solution North Charleston Sewer District Chooses Multifaceted Approach to Optimize Rehabilitation, Decrease Operational Costs, Improve Efficiency and Extend Lifespan of Critical Assets Broomfield, Colorado, USA,  March 18, 2014  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced that the North Charleston Sewer District, South Carolina, has selected the company’s industry-leading  InfoMaster Sewer  as its enterprise smart asset management solution. The move will provide the District with a comprehensive GIS-centric solution for data collection and analysis, enterprise risk management, predictive analytics and action-oriented decision making to optimize its sewer infrastructure at maximum ...

Flemish Environment Agency Selects FloodWorks for Critical Flood Forecasting

Press Room  |  Products  |  News  |  Events  |  The Company   Flemish Environment Agency Selects FloodWorks for Critical Flood Forecasting Innovyze Smart Water Solution to Guard Against Flooding and Issue Early Warnings Broomfield, Colorado, USA, March 11, 2014  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced that the Flemish Environment Agency (VMM), Belgium, has chosen  FloodWorks  as part of its flood control and mitigation systems. Flanders is one of the three Belgian regions with its own government, parliament and administration. The Flemish Region is the Dutch-speaking part of the country and has the largest population (58%). Headquartered in Aalst, VMM operates as an agency of the Flemish government for a better environment in Flanders. Its mission is to contribute to the realization of environmental policy objectives by reporting ...

SWMM 5 solution for the St Venant Equation and the Node Continuity Equation

I like the way the SWMM 5 solution for the St Venant Equation and the Node Continuity Equation is presented in this paper  file:///D:/Downloads/swmm-paper-libre.pdf   It shows the major components of the SWMM5 solution (gravity, time, inertial, friction and entrance/other and exit losses) and the connection between Storage Area of the Node and the Area of the Node associated with the connecting links.  In my description of the solution here dq1 is Friction, dq2 is gravity, dq3 + dq4 is inertial and dq5 is losses. Key Dynamic Wave Equations in SWMM 5

Anyone else notice almost all the presentations come back to water? GIS is cool, but Water is cooler! #EsriEPC

Anyone else notice almost all the presentations come back to water? GIS is cool, but Water is cooler! #EsriEPC   Me : Runoff and Wastewater are also cool! — Adam Simonsen (@adamsimonsen) March 9, 2014

The Minimum Surface Area in SWMM 5 - Meaning and Usage

The Minimum Surface Area in SWMM 5 - Meaning and Usage The minimum surface area in SWMM 5 is intended for manholes that have a gap between the Node Invert Elevation and the Lowest Connecting Link Invert but it also has other uses in simulation.  If there is a gap the minimum surface area is used to prevent a divide by a zero surface area in the node continuity equation.  In the case of very short links where the area of the links added to the node surface area is less than minimum surface area then the area used is the minimum surface area.  If you want the SWMM5 engine to essentially ignore the minimum surface area then set the area to a small value in the Dynamic Wave Tab of the Simulation Options Dialog (Figure 1).   This applies equally to the both Manholes and Storage nodes as shown in Figure 1.  The Surface area for the Storage Node is set equal to the Minimum Surface Area.  1. Storage Nodes and Manholes use the same Node Continuity Equation until the...