Innovyze Releases ICM TSDB, Enabling Real-Time Data and Event Management by dickinsonre Innovyze Releases ICM TSDB, Enabling Real-Time Data and Event Management New Time-Series Database Allows Users to Transform Real-Time and Historical Data and Events into Actionable Information for Comprehensive Urban and Rural Catchment Modeling Broomfield, Colorado, USA, February 19, 2013 Innovyze, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced the worldwide release of ICM TSDB . For the first time, this revolutionary time-series database for industry-leading InfoWorks ICM lets utilities archive, analyze and aggregate real-time and historical data, including radar images and meteorological forecasts, into user-defined actionable information. They can then use this data to drive simulations of past and future events for optimal management of urban and rural catchment systems. Despite the widespread availability and use of 2D rai