
Showing posts from December, 2012

Singapore - Catching Every Drop of Rain

Singapore - Catching Every Drop of Rain The source of the map of the rivers of Singapore is the Singapore PUB As a small island that doesn't have natural aquifers and lakes and with little land to collect rainwater, Singapore needs to maximize whatever it can harvest. Currently, Singapore uses two separate systems to collect rainwater and used water. Rainwater is collected through a comprehensive network of drains, canals, rivers and stormwater collection ponds before it is channelled to Singapore's 17 reservoirs for storage. This makes Singapore one of the few countries in the world to harvest urban stormwater on a large scale for its water supply. The newest reservoirs are Punggol and Serangoon Reservoirs which are our 16th and 17th reservoirs. By 2011, the water catchment area has increased from half to two-thirds of Singapore’s land surface with the completion of the Marina, Punggol and Serangoon reservoirs. With all the major estuaries already dammed to create reservoirs,...

Advances in artificial intelligence: deep learning

Advances in artificial intelligence: deep learning November 25, 2012 – 12:34 am If you want to keep up with advances in artificial intelligence, the  New York Times  has an essential article  on a recent step forward called  deep learning . There is a rule of thumb for following how AI is progressing: keep track of what  Geoffrey Hinton  is doing. Much of the current science of artificial neural networks and machine learning stems from his work or work he has done with collaborators. The New York Times  piece riffs on the fact that Hinton and his team just won a competition to design software to help find molecules that are most likely to be good candidates for new drugs. Hinton’s team entered late, their software didn’t include a big detailed database of prior knowledge, and they easily won by applying deep learning methods. To understand the advance you need to know a little about how modern AI works. Most uses abstract statistical representatio...

Maximum HGL Head Class in InfoSWMM AND H2OMAP SWMM

Maximum HGL Head Class in InfoSWMM AND H2OMAP SWMM Maximum HGL Head Class in InfoSWMM AND H2OMAP SWMM by  dickinsonre Maximum HGL Head Class in Info SWMM AND H2OMAP SWMM You can find the node flood or surcharge maximum occurrence during a simulation in the Junction Summary Report table in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM ( Figure 1) Empty                                    if the Node Head is below or equal to the Lowest Link Connecting  Elevation Below Link Crown             if the Node Head is below or equal to the Highest Link Connecting Crown Below Maximum Depth    if the Node Head is below or equal to the Node Invert +  Full...

Innovyze Announces SCADAMaster for Smart Water Grids, Enabling Real-Time Management and Viewing of SCADA Information

  Innovyze Announces SCADAMaster for Smart Water Grids, Enabling Real-Time Management and Viewing of SCADA Information New Product Allows Users to Seamlessly Connect Telemetry Data to Their Innovyze Product Suites     Broomfield, Colorado USA,  December 18, 2012  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced the worldwide release of  SCADAMaster . This new real-time network data management tool for water distribution and sewer collection systems turns traditional offline analyses into extremely accurate, high-fidelity online network simulations — giving utilities the most cost-effective way of viewing and synthesizing SCADA and other real time telemetry data with network modeling and other enterprise applications. Despite the widespread availability and use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or equivalent telemetry systems, water distribution and sewer collection network models...

InfoSewer Inflow Control for a Pump with a Pump Curve

InfoSewer Inflow Control for a Pump with a Pump Curve You can control the pumps in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer by using a Pump Control which will control the pump based on: 1.        Volume 2.       Level 3.       Discharge 4.      Inflow 5.       Time If you use a By Inflow control the pump speed of the pump is increased or decreased to make the Upstream Wet Well Level Constant (Figure 1) for an exponential 3 point curve

InfoSewer By Discharge Control for PUMP

InfoSewer By Discharge Control for a PUMP InfoSewer By Discharge Control for a PUMP by  dickinsonre InfoSewer By Discharge Control  for a PUMP You can control the pumps in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer by using a Pump Control which will control the pump based on: 1.        Volume 2.       Level 3.       Discharge 4.       Inflow 5.       Time If you use a By Discharge control the pump  speed of the pump is increased or decreased to pump the incoming Wet Well flow based on the pump rules and the geometry of the Wet Well (Figure 1). Figure 1 .  By Discharge Control for  PUMP  in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer will change the Pump Speed of the...

InfoSewer Inflow Control for a PUMP

InfoSewer Inflow Control for a PUMP InfoSewer Inflow Control for a PUMP by  dickinsonre InfoSewer Inflow Control for a PUMP You can control the pumps in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer by using a Pump Control which will control the pump based on: 1.        Volume 2.       Level 3.       Discharge 4.       Inflow 5.       Time   If you use a By Inflow control the pump speed of the pump is increased or decreased to make the Upstream Wet Well Level Constant (Figure 1). Figure 1 .  Inflow Control for  PUMP in In foSewer and H2OMAP Sewer will change the Pump Speed of the pump to make the Wet Well level constant via Blogger infosewer...

LEGO, Brick by Brick

Brick By Brick Chana Joffe-Walt  examines  Lego's dominance despite their products' high cost and lack of exclusive patent: Lego goes to great lengths to make its pieces really, really well, according to David Robertson, who is working on a book about Lego. Inside every Lego brick, there are three numbers, that identify exactly what mold the brick came from, and what position it was in in that mold. That way, if there's a bad brick somewhere, the company can go back and fix the mold. For decades this is what kept Lego ahead. It's actually pretty hard to make millions of plastic blocks that all fit together. Dreher recently  sang the praises  of the toy company. Tip, The Daily Dish

InfoSewer Minimum Travel Time Sensitivity

InfoSewer Minimum Travel Time Sensitivity InfoSewer Minimum Travel Time Sensitivity by  dickinsonre InfoSewer Minimum Travel Time  Sensitivity The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of Segments, Minimum Travel  Distance and the Minimum Travel Time in Inf oSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of decreasing the Minimum Travel Time is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow as the number of segments increases (Figure 1).   The larger the Minimum Travel Time, which has the effect of decreasing the number of segments in a link up the limit of the parameter Maximum Number of segments, the smaller the peak and the more attenuation of the flow in InfoSewer. There is three ways to control attenuation in InfoSewer: (1) use the flow attenuation option, (2) increase the Maximum Number of Se...

InfoSewer Minimum Travel Distance Sensitivity

InfoSewer  Minimum Travel Distance Sensitivity The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of Segments, Minimum Travel Distance and the Minimum Travel Time in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of decreasing the Minimum Travel Distance is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow as the number of segments increases (Figure 1).   The smaller the minimum travel distance, which has the effect of increasing the number of segments in a link up the limit of the parameter Maximum Number of segments, the smaller the peak and the more attenuation of the flow in InfoSewer. There is three ways to control attenuation in InfoSewer: (1) use the flow attenuation option, (2) increase the Maximum Number of Segments per link and (3) decrease the Minimum travel distance.    You can also use all three parameters to make more segments per link for long links and only a few segments for short links....

How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5

How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5 How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5 by  dickinsonre How to Make an Excel Fixed Width F ile from SWMM 5 You can use this macro for MATLAB or some other DOS based program by using the Tools command of SWMM 5 and configuring the EXCEL file option.  If you use the EXCEL tool then your SWMM 5 input file will be opened up in EXCEL and you can use this macro to make a fixed format file  for SWMM 5.  Note, SWMM 5 does not use fixed format but other programs may need it for reading,  You adjust the column widths in the macro for your program. Here is the macro, which is placed  in Excel using these command: Copy the code above. Open Excel. Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. Click Insert-Module from ...

New Zealand Capital Chooses Innovyze for Advanced Asset Integrity Management and Condition Assessment

New Zealand Capital Chooses Innovyze for Advanced Asset Integrity Management and Condition Assessment Wellington, New Zealand Selects InfoNet   Broomfield, Colorado USA,  December 11, 2012  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for wet infrastructure, today announced that the Wellington City Council (WCC), New Zealand has chosen to utilize the powerful analysis and business intelligence capabilities of  InfoNet as its network management system. The decision helps enforce Innovyze role as a market leader in the smart asset management sector for progressive water and wastewater utilities . Wellington is New Zealand’s capital city and home to over 200,000 people. Valued at over half a billion dollars, its sewer collection system is composed of over 1,000 km of pipe, 62 pump stations, 3 treatment plants, 1 dewatering plant, and treats 24 million liters of sewage annually. “After an extensive tender pro...

Batch Simulation in InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater

Steps to set up a new icon for Batch Simulation in InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater 1. Customize Arc GIS 2. Add an Icon 3. Run the command using the Icon

InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity

InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity by  dickinsonre InfoSewer Maximum Number of Se gments Sensitivity The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of  Segments, Minimum Travel Distance and the Minimum Travel Distance in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of decreasing the Minimum Travel Distance is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow as the number of segments  increases (Figure 1).   The smaller the minimum travel distance, which has the effect of increasing the number ofsegments in a link up the limit of the parameter Maximum Number of se gments, the smaller the peak and the more attenuation of the flow in InfoSewer. There is three ways to control attenuation in InfoSewer: ...

InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity

InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity  InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity by  dickinsonre InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sen sitivity  The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of Segments, Minimum Travel Distance and the Minimum Travel Distance in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of using the flow attenuation is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow compared to the No Flag option  (Figure 1).   Figure 1 .  Effect of the Flow Attenuation Option  in infoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer via Blogger infosewer-flow-attenuation- sensitivity.html

How To Make HTML Code for Excel Spreadsheets

How To Make HTML Code for Excel Spreadsheets Tabelizer Program for Converting Speadsheets to HTML Code Copy your Speadsheet to this link and then tabelize it and copy the html and css code to a blog or other online comments box,     InfoSWMM H2OMAP SWMM US EPA Titles Y Y Y Options Y Y Y Files Y Y Y Raingages Y Y Y Temperature Y Y Y Evaporation Y Y Y Subcatchments Y Y Y Infiltration Subareas Y Y Y 3 Types of Infiltration Per Subcatchment Y Y N Aquifers Y Y Y Groundwater Y Y Y Snowmelt Y Y Y Junctions Y Y Y Outfalls Y Y Y Storages Y Y Y Dividers Y Y Y Conduits Y Y Y Pumps Y Y Y Orifices Y Y Y Weirs Y Y Y Outlets Y Y Y Cross Section Sha...