
Showing posts from November, 2012

Innovyze Releases PressureWatch: Breakthrough Real-Time Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection Software for Smarter Water Utilities

Innovyze Releases PressureWatch: Breakthrough Real-Time Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection Software for Smarter Water Utilities Next Generation Release Raises Bar for Smart Water Network Management Software, Delivers Economic, Operational and Environmental Benefits   Broomfield, Colorado USA,  November 27, 2012  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced the release of  PressureWatch  for drinking water distribution systems. This revolutionary real-time water network monitoring and anomaly detection software extends the utility of smart network modeling to include SCADA data acquisition and predictive forecasting and condition assessment capabilities. It will change the way water utilities around the world use pressure and flow data and network modeling to obtain real-time identification and warning of network performance problems, leaks, breaks, loss of s...

Grupo de Apoyo para usuarios de SWMM (SWMM in Spanish/ SWMM en Español)

There is a Google Group for Hispanic SWMM5 users around the world that has a lot of good discussions and more importantly help for your SWMM5 modeling.   You can easily join if you use GMAIL or Google+   The link is!forum/swmm-espanol

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map Atrribute Display by  dickinsonre Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer  and Arc Map Here is a typical view of  a siphon in InfoSewer, the rising links have a d/D of 1 and the dropping links typically have a d/D value less than 1.  The q/Q for the rising links is based on the slope and the dropping links typically have a q/Q less than 1 as the full flow is high due to the steep slopes.  You can show both the d/D and q/Q values in an Arc Map Display by using the following code.  I find it easier to first plot one variable using the InfoSewer Map Display followed by editing the TOC Properties for Pipes to show more than one variable at a time in the Label properties. Function FindLabel ([D_OVER_D],  [Q_OVER_Q] ) If IsNull([D_OVER_D]) then Exit Function FindLabel ="" &  FormatNumber([D_OVER_D],3) ...

SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted

SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted by  dickinsonre SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant S olutions Contrasted 1. Compute at time  t+delta t  the values of dQ/dt for the Links and dH/dt for the Nodes from the properties at  time t 2 Iterate at least 2 times until either all nodes and links are converged or a maximum of 8 iterations are reached 3. Use the values of Q and H at time  t+delta t  for the new time step The SWMM5 Solution for Flow and Depth  at each time step.  The new depth and new flow is always based on the old depth and old flow and normally converges fast as the flow is gradually varied.   The solution is iterative and implicitly uses the new depth and flow at each iteration. The SWMM4 Solution for Flow and Depth is solved Explicitly  at each time step.  The new depth and new flow is always based on the old depth ...

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0 The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0 by  dickinsonre The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0 The attached PDF file is a copy of the Extran 3 solution in the  SWMM 4 manual explaining the ISOL=0 solution in SWMM 4 / Extran 4.  The current SWMM 5 solution in its dynamic wave solution is an adaptive time step iterative solution of the ISOL=0 solution in SWMM 4. via Blogger the-swmm-4-dynamic-wave- solution-for.html

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution by  dickinsonre The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution The attached PDF file is a copy of Appendix C of the SWMM 4 manual explaining the three St Venant solutions in SWMM 4 / Extran 4.  The current SWMM 5 solution in its dynamic wave solution is an adaptive time step iterative solution of the ISOL Zero solution in SWMM 4. via Blogger the-swmm-4-dynamic-wave- solution.html

Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period

Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period by  dickinsonre Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period A poster at the recent ECI conference on the Past, Present and Future of Watershed modeling. via Blogger continuous-simulation-using- swmm-5-lid.html

The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map

The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map by  dickinsonre The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map via Blogger the-structure-of-infoswmm-in- arc-map.html

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method by  dickinsonre How to Create an InfoSWMM model  from CSV Files, Alternate Meth od An InfoSWMM model can be newly created from a CSV file but it helps to have an idea of the maximum extents before you initialize the Arc Map project.  Use the ArcGIS default and Edit the extents of your future imported network (Figure 1).  Import the CSV files (Figure 2) and define the imported variables (Figure 3) followed by an Update Map from DB (Figure 4) which will draw your imported nodes and links on the Arc Map screen.  The updated Map should be within the extents of your defined spatial reference (Figure 5).  It is important to have the proper spatial reference for your imported data in Arc Map.  If you do not have the proper extents then when you upd...

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files by  dickinsonre How to Create an InfoSWMM model  from CSV Files An InfoSWMM model can be newly created from a CSV file but it helps to have a background map or shapefile to initialize the Arc Map project.  BEFORE initializing yourInfoSWMM map Add a data layer using the Arc Map command Add Data.   Create a new InfoSWMM project using the same spatial reference as your added shapefile (Figure 1).  Import the CSV files (Figure 2) and define the imported variables (Figure 3) followed by an Update Map from DB (Figure 4) which will draw your imported nodes and links on the Arc Map screen.  The updated Map will have the same coordinates as the background shapefile (Figure 5).  It is important to have the proper spatial reference for your imported data in Arc Map. F...

How to Search My Blogs by concentrating on one blog for Information about SWMM5, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer

How to Search My Blogs by concentrating on one Blog :   I have spent a lot of time in the last week redoing all of my tags, names and websites.   You can search SWMM5.NET or SWMM5.ORG for information on  infoswmm, infosewer and of course SWMM 5  Hopefully, this makes them a bit more organized – there are a total of 900 posts as of today, but each post now has labels and multiple tags The site   has a built in Google Custom Search Engine which as even more flexibility

How to Save Node and Link Relates in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles

How to Save Node and Link Summary Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles How to Save Node and Link Summary Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles by  dickinsonre How to Save Node and Link Summary  Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shape files The export manager of H2OMAP SWMM is very flexible, you can export shape, MIF and CSV files but you have to do some copy and pasting to allow the program to export ALL of the node and pipe summary tables.  The export manager will export any node or pipe information in the DB hydraulic and information tables.  If you copy and paste, for example, the output pipe summary table to the Pipe information tables (Figure 1) then you can use the Export Manager (Figure 2) to save the shape file with tables(Figure 4) and view the shape file in Arc Map (Figure 4).  The TOC properties in Arc Map can be used to show...

How to Use the Output Relate in Excel using H2OMAP SWMM

How to Use the Output Relate in Excel using H2OMAP SWMM How to  Use  the  Output   Relate  in  Excel   using H2OMAP   SWMM by  dickinsonre How to  Use  the  Output   Relate  in Ex cel  using   H2OMAP   SWMM You have to perform the following steps: 1.        Make an  Output   Relate  ( using  the Operations Tab of the  H2OMAP   SWMM  Browser) which will be the same as the Pipe Summary Table in the  Output  Report Manager 2.       Run the model to make the  Output   Relate  and then update the  Relate  (Figure 1) 3.       Using  Windows Explorer navigate to the HSDB folder of your H2MAP  SWMM  project 4.       Continue to the  Relate  Subfolder and open up the  Relate  DBD f...

Annual International Conference on modeling urban water systems, Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto - call for papers

Annual International Conference on modeling urban water systems, Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto - call for papers My note, this is a conference well worth attending, the  Convenor  is Dr Bill James and the venue is described at the CHIWater link shown below. Once again it's the time to request one or more abstracts for the Annual International Conference on the Modeling of Urban Water Systems (formerly SWMM users meeting), to be held Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto (note the venue). As you probably know, this is the 46th (!) meeting in this extraordinary series. This year our featured speakers include many well-known scientists, researchers and engineers (listed on our website). The meeting is well attended: your audience exceeds 100 folks in your specialty. Also, the meeting is inexpensive, highly-regarded, professional, friendly and collaborative. Proceedings are produced as a peer-reviewed, integrated archival-quality book (you get the previous year's monograph at this conference, tw...

Sultanate of Oman Selects InfoWorks WS Smart Water Modeling Software to Advance Country’s Water Network

Sultanate of Oman Selects InfoWorks WS Smart Water Modeling Software to Advance Country’s Water Network Key Middle East Utility Looks to Innovyze Technology     Broomfield, Colorado USA,  November 20, 2012  —  Innovyze, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced that Seureca Muscat, a subsidiary of Veolia Environment (NYSE: VE), in support of the Public Authority for Electricity and Water of the Sultanate of Oman has adopted  InfoWorks WS  smart water modeling software to improve the operation, maintenance and management of the country’s water utilities. With this purchase, PAEW gains access to the most advanced and comprehensive water distribution network modeling and management applications in the industry. In November 2010, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) listed Oman as the nation most improved during the preceding 40 years. Omani authorities and PAEW have long been focused on developing, enha...

Advanced Labeling in InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM to show MM or IN on a HGL Plot

Advanced Labeling in InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM to show MM or IN on a HGL Plot Advanced Labeling in InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM to show MM or IN on a HGL Plot by  dickinsonre Advanced Labeling in InfoSWMM  or H2OMAP SWMM to show MM or IN on a HGL Plot Here is how to get the maximum depth shown in millimeters or inches on a HGL Plot in InfoSWMM or H2OM AP SWMM– use the OTHER LINK Dimensions option.  You need to run the model again to have your new diameter shown on the HGL plot.  We use the output file to make the HGL plot and without a new model run the maximum depth will not be shown in either InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM .   Keys: Use Other Units instead of feet or meters, and Use the Advanced Labeling in InfoS WMM or H2OMAP SWMM via Blogger advanced-labeling-...

How to Use Two Control Curves in SWMM 5 to Simulate a Head Difference Rule

Subject:   How to Use Two Control Curves in SWMM 5 to Simulate a Head Difference Rule How to Use Two Control Curves in SWMM 5 to Simulate a Head Difference Rule by  dickinsonre Subject:   How to Use Two Control Curves in SWMM 5 to Simulate a Head Difference Rule   The SWMM 5 control rules for Real Time Control (RTC) do not allow the rule to be governed by the head across the orifice but does allow rules based on the depth, head and inflow at any node.  If you have an Orifice in which you want the Orifice to be open when the head difference across the Orifice is either less than or greater than zero then and closed when the head difference is close to zero then you can use two Orifices (Figure 1) and two rules (Figure 2) to control the orifice setting for Orifice1 and Orifice2.  In attached file the two rules have the settings set to two control curves.  Orifice1 will start open and close gradually as the depth at Node UPNode increases, Orifice2 wi...