
Showing posts from March, 2009

Q full vs Q dynamic vs Q normal

1. It gets more flow than qFull because the water in the pipe has more than just the bed slope to push it - it also has the water surface slope. There is about a 5 meter head pushing the water out if you the bed slope to the water surface slope - see the HGL Plot. 2. The Q dynamic or St. Venant flow uses ALL of the information you have about the condition in the link (see the next image) so the flow is greater than Qfull and Q normal flow. The information includes the hydraulic radius and cross sectional areas for upstream , midpoint and the downstream ends of the links.

Future Rainfall

Published: April 2009 Outlook: Extreme As the planet warms, look for more floods where it’s already wet and deeper drought where water is scarce. By Elizabth Kolbert The world's first empire, known as Akkad, was founded some 4,300 years ago, between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. The empire was ruled from a city—also known as Akkad—that is believed to have lain just south of modern-day Baghdad, and its influence extended north into what is now Syria, west into Anatolia, and east into Iran. The Akkadians were well organized and well armed and, as a result, also wealthy: Texts from the time testify to the riches, from rare woods to precious metals, that poured into the capital from faraway lands. Then, about a century after it was founded, the Akkad empire suddenly collapsed. During one three-year period four men in succession briefly claimed to be emperor. "Who was king? Who was not king?" a register known as the Sumerian King List asks. For many ye...

Additional SWMM 3,4 Converter Information

Step 1: Open up or run the converter Step 2: Define your text editor if you want to use the Edit Button Step 3: Define the programs ini file if you want to use it multiple times Step 4: Click on Select to convert either a Runoff , Runoff and Transport or Runoff and Extran Step 5: Click on Convert to convert the two selected files Step 6: File Converted Message will tell you that the file9s) were converted correctly. Step 7: Please make sure to check the log file to confirm that everything was converted successfully.