
Showing posts from September, 2008

H2OMAP and InfoSWMM Sediment Transport Modeling

H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM Sediment Transport Modeling Sanitary and combined sewer systems can carry substantial loads of suspended solids (waste solids) which can accumulate and cause blockages thereby impairing the hydraulic capacity of the sewer pipes (by restricting their flow area and increasing the bed friction resistance). H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM can simulate the transport and gravitational settling of (total suspended solids including grit) over time throughout the sewer collection system under varying hydraulic conditions. As long as flow velocity exceeds the critical/terminal velocity, H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM assumes that the sewage flow has the capacity to transport all incoming . Deposited  particles are also assumed to be scoured and transported downstream when velocity of the sewage flow exceeds the terminal velocity. Settling starts when flow velocity falls below the critical velocity. In the model, transport of thet particles is governed by advection implying that the p...

Modified Basket Handle Cross Section Warnings

There is a rule in SWMM 5 that the depth cannot be less than half the bottom width for a modified basket handle(see below).  You always have to have a maximum depth less than 50 percent or 1/1 of the bottom width,  If you do not meet this criterion then the program will generate an invalid number warning.  This is the code from xsect.c that checks the validity of the cross section data:     case MOD_BASKET:         if ( p[1]         xsect->yFull = p[0]/ucf;         xsect->wMax  = p[1]/ucf;

Wave Of Sewage Flows Toward Tampa Bay

TBO > News Wave Of Sewage Flows Toward Bay Tribune photo by CANDACE C. MUNDY Workers with Spectrum Underground Inc. work to repair a 20-inch sewage pipeline which broke in Town 'N Country this afternoon. The Tampa Tribune Published: September 13, 2008 TOWN 'N COUNTRY - Approximately 200,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilled into Sweetwater Creek on Friday afternoon, prompting a warning to residents along the creek to avoid the water, Hillsborough County officials said. The spill occurred along Comanche Avenue just east of Hanley Road when a 20-inch sewage pipeline ruptured. The break was at a connection point to a section that had been replaced about eight weeks ago, officials said. Because the work had been done so recently, it was under warranty, and the original contractor returned to fix the break, said Bill Bozeman, project manager for the county's water resource services. Bozeman did not know what caused it. The fracture, reported by a passer-by at about 12:45 p...

Manual de SWMM 5 en espanol

Manual de SWMM 5 en espanol

SWMM 5 View Variables

SWMM 5 View Variables There are four types of graphical variables in SWMM 5: (1) Subcatchements, (2) System, (3) Nodes and (4) Links.  The SWMM 5 Hydrology binary graphics file consists of 21 view variables for each subcatcment simulation in SWMM 5.  The variables are:      Subcatchment Variables Description       SUBCATCH_RAINFALL   rainfall intensity       SUBCATCH_SNOWFALL snowfall intensity       SUBCATCH_RUNOFF total runoff flow rate       SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_IMPZero runoff flow rate from zero imp area feb 2007       SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_IMP runoff flow rate from imp area feb 2007       SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_Pervious runoff flow rate from pervious area feb 2007       SUBCATCH_LOSSES total losses (infil)       SUBCATCH_EVAP watershed evaporation loss       SUBCATCH_DEPTH watershed depth       SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW groundwater flow rate to node       SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW_A1 groundwater flow rate to node       SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW_A2 groundwat...