
Showing posts from June, 2008

QA/QC Version of SWMM 5

This is my explanation of the comments on on the blog about the CDM version of SWMM 5. It was purely a QA/QC testing program used in the code and data set migration of SWMM 4 to SWMM 5 during the years 2004 to 2007. CDM version of SWMM5 CDM makes available their version version of SWMM5 for download and use. There's a few more options and the GUI element edit boxes have a lot more variable options. Otherwise, it looks, feels, and acts like the EPA version (from what I've have discerned). Posted by tsblue at Sunday, August 19, 2007 4 comments: Robert said... This version is a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that was used to more closely compare the SWMM 4 to SWMM 5 results using extra data variables. April 19, 2008 8:35 PM Robert said... It should not be used for modeling. You should use the EPA SWMM Web site to download the latest EPA SWMM version: http://w...

EPA SWMM 5 Calibration Files

The EPA SWMM 5 calibration file is only for comparing the following 12 internal variables graphically to either SWMM 4 results, monitored data or some other model results: Subcatchment Runoff Subcatchment Washoff Node Water Depth Link Flow Rate Node Water Quality Node Lateral Inflow Node Flooding Groundwater Flow Groundwater Elevation Snow Pack Depth Link Flow Depth Link Flow Velocity The graph on your SWMM 5 screen can be saved either to the clipboard or an external file for further manipulation of the computed and observed (calibration file data) by using the commands Edit->Copy To=>Clipboard=>Text or Edit->Copy To=>File=>Text Just remember that the computed variable value comes first in the text followed by the observed variable value. For example: Link 1030 Flow Series Elapsed Time (hours) Flow CFS Computed 0.1667 0.0000 . . Observed 0.0167 0.0000

The Joys Of Non-Driving

Andrew Sullivan - SWMM 2008 - Stormwater Management Model The Joys Of Non-Driving 22 Jun 2008 09:33 pm It proves I'm not an American, I guess, but I still don't know how to drive, don't have a license and have managed to get to the age of 44 without missing one. Yes, the husband has to drive us all the way to Ptown each summer, but once I get here, even more than when I'm in DC, this sentiment by C.S. Lewis rings all the more true: I number it among my blessings that my father had no car, while yet most of my friends had, and sometimes took me for a drive. This meant that all these distant objects could be visited just enough to clothe them with memories and not impossible desires, while yet they remained ordinarily as inaccessible as the Moon. The deadly power of rushing about wherever I pleased had not been given me. I measured distance by the standard of man, man walking on his two feet, not by the standard of the internal combustion engine. I had not been allowed to...

Data Set Backwards Compatibility

The SWMM 5 data input files are not backwards compatible with previous versions of SWMM - you cannot open a file created in v13 with a v11 GUI without getting messages about Options or features present in v13 but not present in v11. Not everyone looks at the C code but the new options are listed in the file enums.h with a version notation: SKIP_STEADY_STATE, TEMPDIR, IGNORE_RAINFALL, //(5.0.010 - LR) FORCE_MAIN_EQN, LINK_OFFSETS, //(5.0.012 - LR) The good feature about this message is that it tells you what MAY be different between the two SWMM versions. For example, if you used Link Offsets in v13 then you will not have a valid model in SWMM 5.0.011. However, if you are not using a new option in SWMM 5.0.013 then you will have a valid backwards compatible SWMM 5.0.011 input data set.

SWMM 5 GUI Compile Options

These are the Delphi 7 options that should be used to prevent the integer overflow problem from occurring when using the Zoom command. Overflow checking and any Debugging options seem to be the cause of the integer overflow problem.

A charming little rain garden shines on Mt. Washington

Source: May 21, 2008 A charming little rain garden shines on Mt. Washington A lovely little rain garden has showered a once blighted corner on Mt. Washington, a splash of green that its creators’ hope may become a catalyst for sprinkling similar projects around Pittsburgh . Pittsburgh’s Burt Hill dreamed up the idea pro bono as a way to expand the firm’s professional knowledge and investigate emerging environmental technologies for urban water runoff , explains Evaine Sing, graduate landscape architect. The project has become a labor of love on a 2,000 square foot parklet on the corner of Shiloh Street and Virginia Avenue. Mt. Washington Community Development Corp ., URA Mainstreets Pittsburgh Fund and Pittsburgh Public Works have assisted along the way and $10,000, labor and material donations were contributed by community members and local businesses including Shemin Nurseries and KMA/Landscape Forms. “We wanted a proje...

SWMM History


SWMM5 Link Upstream Weighting

Purpose: The purpose of this note is to explain a significant dynamic wave routing difference between EPA SWMM 5.0.013 and EPA SWMM 5.0.011 and before. A few people have detected a difference. The previous solution(s) would use only the midpoint area (Amid) and hydraulic radius (Rmid) in the dynamic wave solution. The new solution will use a slider or linear combination of the midpoint area (Amid) and hydraulic radius (Rmid) and the upstream cross sectional area (A1) and hydraulic radius (R1). The slider is based on the Froude number in the link. The change involves the A and R link spacing in the two dominant terms of the St. Venant Equation: The new method is a linear combination or slider that weights the value of A and R in the St. Venant Equation based on the value of rho ( ), or where, Rho ( ) is a function of the Froude number. The effect of this addition is that as the Froude number increases from 0.5 to 1.0 and beyond the area and hydraulic radius used as the ...

Batch Files

How to Use the SWMM 4 Dos Engine ngine SWMM Engine Name Name of the SWMM 4 DOS Engine SWMM Input File - SWMM 4 Input file SWMM Output File - SWMM 4 Text Output File (.OUT Extension) Alternative SWMM Output File - Reduced SWMM 4 Output File (.RPT Extension) How to Use the SWMM 5 Dos Engine ine SWMM Engine Name Name of the SWMM 5 DOS Engine (usually called SWMM5.EXE) SWMM Input File - SWMM 5 Input file SWMM Output File - SWMM 5 Output Binary Graphics File (.OUT Extension) Alternative SWMM Output File - SWMM 5 Output Text File (.RPT Extension)